jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Bueno bueno, como dije ayer hoy toca sonic 2 y aqui esta la entrada con foto de incluso los jefes ^^ espero que os guste!!.

Sonic The Hedgehog 1992 Sega Genes/Megadrive.

  1. Emerald Hill Zone
  2. Chemical Plant Zone
  3. Aquatic Ruin Zone
  4. Casino Night Zone
  5. Hill Top Zone
  6. Mystic Cave Zone
  7. Oil Ocean Zone
  8. Metropolis Zone
  9. Sky Chase Zone
  10. Wing Fortress Zone
  11. Death Egg Zone
  12. *Especial Stage

Emerald Hill Zone:

Esta es la primera zona i por lo tanto la mas facil consta de lupings i tirabuzones. esta bastante bien no tiene probelma.

Boss 1:

Simplemente esquiba a eggman y salta encima de el. Cuidado en el ultimo toque porque disparara el taladro para intentar darte.

Chemical Plant Zone:

Esta zona esta muy bien pero tiene agua asi que cuidado de no ahogarse! es cortita menos la segunda parte que es un poquito larga pero no mucho.

Boss 2:

esta jefe es un poquito dificil pero si me haces caso no resultara problema ;)
Encuanto aparezca eggman ponte a saltar encima de el, y antes de que te aya atacado estara derrotado.

Aquatic Ruin Zone:

Esta Zona si vas rpaida i intentas esquivar el agua no es muy problematica xD, pero sino mas vale que cojas una burbujas i vayas rapido.

Boss 3:

Esta jefe es un poco pesado, usa las flechas para saltar y darle, pero si te colocas encima del poste lo tendras todo ams facil :)

Casino Night Zone:

En esta zona puedes ganar muchos anillos, o perderlos todos xD no tiene mucha dificultat ni ningun sitio dificl tu solo abanza xD

Boss 4:

Aqui tendras que usar lo que se te ocurra para atacar pero siempre por arriba, nunca por abajo por que sino perderas los anillos.

Hill Top Zone

esta zona tiene bastantes caminos posibles y mucha lava asi que cuidado de no caer en ella.

Boss 5:

Este boss es muy facil! salta cuando aparezca y ya esta xD.

Mystic Cave Zone:

Esta zona es una de las mejores que hay(segun mi punto de vista) pero es bastante liosa y la primera vez puede costar. cuidado de no caer en agujeros sin salida!! xD

Boss 6:

Este jefe es facilillo. Ataca cuando este abajo y esquiva las cosas cuando este arriba

Oil Ocean Zone:

En esta zona y en adelante las cosas se pondran dificil. Vigila no caer en el aceite por que sino saltas, te mataran! Aqui vale la pena ir lento i pasarse la pantalla bien que no ir rapido y cagarla.

Boss 7:

Este jefe es bastante facil tambien( similar al de hill top) salta cuando aparezca i ay esta. Si no lo matas a la primera esquiva el laser i ya esta

Metropolis Zone:

Esta zona es bastante dificil y ademas tiene 3 partes! intenta ir siempre por un cmaino i lo ams arriba de la pantalla posible. cuidado con los robots mantis

Boss 8:

Este boss consta de dos partes.
La primera la de la foto de arriba intenta golpear a eggman sin tocar los eggmans falsos.

Una vez se quede sin eggman falsos con un golpe bastara. si quedan eggmans falsos no hace falta darles mientras venzas al original basta.

Sky Chase Zone:

No tiene misterio mata enemigos y sobretodo NO USES el spindash.!

Wing Fortress Zone:

La fortaleza de eggman atraviesa esta fortaleza en pleno vuelo. Pero cuidado siempre te puedes caer y alfinal te espera una sorpresa.

death Egg:

La Zona final.
Aqui se ponen las cosas enserio Sonic vs Mecha Sonic. Venze a una copia de sonic pero ademas vencela con 0 anillos.

Truco: Antes de que aterrize prepara un spindash debajo de el. i luego golpeale 4 veces mas!


Sonic cara a cara con eggman Podras vencerle?
Este jefe es uno de los mas dificiles para mi a decir verdad, nunca me lo e pasado sin save states ni nada de eso.

Enorabuena Has logrado pasarte Sonic The Hedgehog 2. y si leiste mi blog ayer o la entrada anterior Sonic The hedgehog .

Mañana sonic The hedgehog 3 & knuckles.

Si alguien tiene alguna duda, quiere trucos o algo, que no dude en preguntar !!

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

Sonic The Hedgehog

Bueno Despues de demasiados dias sin actualizar ya toca una actualizacion azul.

Primero se enpieza por el pricipio no? Pues Enpecemos

Sonic The Hedgehog

el original el de toda la vida. el de genesis

Este gran juego consta de las siguiente pantallas:

  • Green Hill Zone
  • Marble Zone
  • Spring Yard Zone
  • Labyrinth Zone
  • Star Light Zone
  • Scrap Brain Zone

      Green Hill Zone

  • Esta es la primera fase la qual suele ser la mas facil, pero esta fase tiene un valor diferente a las demas.
    Esta pantalla es mitica por lo tanto no hace falta descripcion xD
    El jefe de esta zona No resulta nada dificl solo esquiva la bola i listo xD.

    Marble Zone

    Esta Zona es algo dificililla se nota un poco l a diferencia con Green Hill ademas de tener lava algunos enemigos te lo pondran algo dificil.
    El jefe de esta zona encambio resulta ya algo mas complicado pero sigue siendo facil.

    Spring Yard Zone

    Esta zona es rapida i un poco laberint o. las zonas de rebote Pueden llegar a ser molestas. El jefe de esta zona es mas facil de lo que aparenta. es question de cuando cae darle,(si se consigue cojer la invencibilidad antes del jefe facilita mucho als cosas)

    Labyrinth Zone

    Aqui llega la zona que mas e llegado a odiar de este sonic(hay una del sonic 3 que he llegado a odiar mas).
    Esta zona es muy jodida por el agua y si contamos que toda la zona es un laberinto pos... xD
    El jefe de esta zona es simplemente subir escaleras, por asi decirlo no te preocupes por eggman tu solo sube el solo se va sin que le derrotes, pero sobretodo procura no cagarla al subir.

    Star Light Zone

    Esta Zona relaja un poco las cosas despues del gran laberinto, y a mi gusto es una de las mejores. no tiene mucho que comentar es una zona de dificultat normal y el jefe tanpoco es muy dificil.

    Scrap Brain Zone

    Esta es la ultima zona (sin contar la final zone que es el jefe final)

    Esta zona es bastante dificil Y tiene bastantes caminos peor a los 2 intentos es facil.

    Final Zone

    Este es el jefe final i como tal se merece su foto y su manera de vencerle.

    Aqui lo unico Ddificil de este jefe es que no tienes anillos por lo demas es facil si saves que hacer. Eggman te atacara con dos plataformas, una de ellas es donde esta el ataca alli. Despues te saldran unos lasers que son faciles de esquivar, esquivalos i repite el proceso hasta que lo venzas.

    Enorabuena as acabado el juego!!! xD si consigues las 6 esmeraldas podras ver el final bueno, sino veras el final cutre xD

    Hasta aqui a llegado la preview de hoy Mañana o luego si me da tiempo sigue Sonic the hedgehog 2.

    miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

    Crush 40

    Weno hoy tengo pensado algo así como poner música que me guste.
    esto quiere decir que a quien le guste que la escuche y si la quiere pos que se la baje del link, y a quien no, pos que comente diciendo el porque no le gusta con alguna critica.

    no hace falta comentarios diciendo que es una mierda!.

    De primeras este gran clásico que no podía Faltar:

    Aqui dejo la Letra:

    Live & Learn - Crush 40: (Descarga)

    Can you feel life movin' through your mind,

    Ooh, looks like it came back for more!

    Yeah yeah yeah!

    Can you feel time slippin' down your spine,

    Ooooooh, You try and try to ignore!


    But you can hardly swallow,

    Your fears and pain.

    When you can't help but follow,

    It puts you right back where you came.

    Live and learn!

    Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,

    Live and learn!

    From the works of yesterday.

    Live and learn!

    If you beg or if you borrow,

    Live and learn!

    You may never find your way.

    Whooooa, yeah!

    Can you feel life tangle you up inside?

    Yeah, now you're face down on the floor!


    But you can't save your sorrow,

    You've paid in trade!

    When you can't help but follow,

    It puts you right back where you came.

    Live and learn!

    Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,

    Live and learn!

    From the works of yesterday.

    Live and learn!

    If you beg or if you borrow,

    Live and learn!

    You may never find your way.

    Hey, whoa, whoa,
    Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeah!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

    There's a face searching far, so far and wide.

    There's a place where you dream you'd never find.

    Hold on to what if?

    Hold on to what if?

    Live and learn!

    Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,

    Live and learn!

    From the works of yesterday.

    Live and learn!

    If you beg or if you borrow,

    Live and learn!

    You may never find your way.

    Live and learn!

    Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,

    Live and learn!

    From the works of yesterday.

    Live and learn!

    If you beg or if you borrow,

    Live and learn!

    You may never find your way.

    Aqui viene El tema principal del sonic adventure 1

    Open your Heart - Crush 40: (Descarga)

    Thunder, rain, and lightning

    Danger, water rising

    Clamour, sirens wailing

    It's such a bad sign

    Shadows of dark creatures

    Steel clouds floating in the air

    People run for shelter

    What's gonna happen to us!?

    All the steps we take, all the moves we make, all the pain at stake

    I see the chaos for everyone who are we what can we do

    You and i are same in the way that we have our own styles that we won't change

    Yours is filled with evil and mine's not there is no way i can lose

    Can't hold on much longer - but i will never let go

    I know it's a one way track - tell me now how long this'll last

    I'm not gonna think this way - nor will i count on others

    Close my eyes and feel it burn - now i see what i've gotta do

    Open your heart, it's gonna be allright

    Ancient city blazing

    Shadows keep attacking

    Little children crying

    Confusion, hopeless anger

    I don't know what it can be but you drive me crazy

    All your cunning tricks make me sick, you won't have it your own way

    Can't hold on much longer - but i will never let go

    I know it's a one way track - tell me now how long this'll last

    I'm not gonna think this way - nor will i count on others

    Close my eyes and feel it burn - now i see what i've gotta do

    Open your heart...and you'll see...

    If it won't stop, there will be no future for us

    Its heart is tied down by all the hate, gotta set him free

    I know it's a one way track - tell me now how long this'll last

    Close my eyes and feel it burn - now i see what i've gotta do

    Gotta open your heart, dude!

    Can't hold on much longer - but i will never let go

    I know it's a one way track - tell me now how long this'll last

    I'm not gonna think this way - nor will i count on others

    Close my eyes and feel it burn - now i see what i've gotta do

    Open your heart, it's gonna be allright

    Esta cancion no necesita ni presentacion:

    His World(Crush 40 version) - Crush 40: (Descarga)

    Watch the time as it moves along,

    Taking you back always feeling strong,

    Like a rush of the wind,

    It goes; on and on and on and on and on...

    He's the fire, flame, conflicting pain,

    Untouched, crushed, will remain,

    To one, to two, to three, to four,

    Heading straight for an open door,

    He can see, and he can feel,

    Without one touch, It seems unreal,

    But it's true, The power lives,

    Inside of you (Inside of you, Yeah!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Where life is strong (Life is strong!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Life's an open book (open book!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Compromise does not exist,

    In this world of worlds,

    Every step meets the rest!

    In this world (his world!)

    One is all! (one is all!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Never fear the fall! (Fear the fall!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Compromise does not exist,

    In this world of worlds,

    Every step meets the rest!

    Beware of your mind, as it proves you wrong

    A bullet pushed as the clock strikes strong,

    Like a rush for wind,

    It goes; on and on and on and on and on...

    He's the tower of power, Admits no shame,

    Untouched, crushed, will remain,

    To one, to two, to three, to four,

    Heading straight for an open door,

    He can see, what he can't feel,

    Without one touch, It becomes so real,

    But it's true, The power lives,

    Inside of you (Inside of you, Yeah!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Where life is strong (Life is strong!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Life's an open book (open book!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Compromise does not exist,

    In this world of worlds,

    Every step meets the rest!

    In this world (his world!)

    One is all! (one is all!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Never fear the fall! (Fear the fall!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Compromise does not exist,

    In this world of worlds,

    Every step meets the rest!

    Beware your mind as it proves you wrong,

    A bullest pushed as the clock strikes strong,

    In this world, his world.

    In this world (his world!)

    Where life is strong (Life is strong!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Life's an open book (open book!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Compromise does not exist,

    In this world of worlds,

    Every step meets the rest!

    In this world (his world!)

    One is all! (one is all!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Never fear the fall! (Never fear the fall!)

    In this world (his world!)

    Compromise does not exist,

    In this world of worlds,

    Every step meets the rest!

    Yeah (yeah)

    Beware your mind as it proves you wrong,

    A bullet pushed as the clock strikes strong,

    In this world, His world.

    Esta cancion que viene a continuacion no es de Crush 40 pero es muy buena me alegra nose mola xD.

    Endless Possibility - Jarek Reddick with Bowling for Soup: (Descarga)

    This is my escape, I'm running through this world and I'm not looking back.

    And I know I can go where no one's ever gone and I'm not looking back.

    But how will I know when I get there....and how will I know when to leave?

    We've all gotta start from somewhere,

    It's right there for me, the possibilites are never ending.

    I see it, I see it, and now it's all within my reach (endless possibilities)

    I see it, I see it now, it's always been inside of me (and now I feel so free), endless possibility.

    You're losing speed, you're losing your flow, but inside is a power you'll never know!

    Runnin' out it's inside you! You'd better all step back 'cause I'm comin' through!

    I see it, I see it, and now it's all within my reach (endless possibility)

    I see it, I see it now, it's always been inside of me (and now I feel so free), endless possibility
    (endless possibility)

    Endless possibility (endless possibility)

    Endless possibility

    Por ultimo aqui vine Seven Rings in Han

    Seven Rings In Hand - Crush 40: (Descarga)

    Make-believes reborn
    Myths in minds re-thought
    Question all that's known
    Legends blurred and torn

    Make-believes reborn (Make-believes reborn)
    Myths in mind re-thought (Myths in mind re-thought)
    Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
    Legends blurred and torn (Legends blurred and torn) (Blurred and torn)

    No such thing as fate for those who speed
    A path out of time instead of just living it
    So many things erased before they begin
    Hopes un-dream instead of what could have been

    Fortune fades like words in the sand
    Just like that it nothing it all just seems
    Nothing it all just seems

    Fortune shines with seven in hand
    Back to fact make real of all that seems
    Make real of all that seems

    Seven rings in hand speed through nights with feet in sand
    Seven rings in hand wonders all under command
    Seven rings in hand wild with just one single hand
    Seven rings in hand arrowed hearts catch fire now

    Make-believes reborn (Make-believes reborn)
    Myths in mind re-thought (Myths in mind re-thought)
    Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
    Legends blurred and torn

    No such thing as an arrow through who dreams
    Hopes may burden but forever last to give in
    So many things need a push or pull to begin
    Un-free to move unless another hand gets in

    Be it all the same it's never the same
    Just like that just nothing it all just means
    Nothing it all just means

    If all as is then it's never as is
    Back to fact make real of all that seems
    Make real of all that seems

    Seven rings in hand speed through nights with feet in sand
    Seven rings in hand wonders all under command
    Seven rings in hand wild with just one single hand
    Seven rings in hand arrowed hearts catch fire now

    Memories that dance (Memories that dance)
    Fairy tales in trance (Fairy tales entranced)
    Know what to believe (Know what to believe)
    Nothing is up to chance (Nothing is up to chance)

    Make-believes reborn (Make-believes reborn)
    Myths in mind re-thought (Myths in mind re-thought)
    Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
    Legends blurred and torn


    Seven rings in hand speed through nights with feet in sand
    Seven rings in hand wonders all under command
    Seven rings in hand wild with just one single hand
    Seven rings in hand arrowed hearts catch fire now

    Seven rings in hand
    Nights with feet in sand
    Seven rings in hand
    Seven rings in hand

    Make-believes reborn (Make-believes reborn)
    Myths in mind re-thought (Myths in mind re-thought)
    Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
    Legends blurred and torn (Legends blurred and torn)
    (Blurred and torn)

    Seven seas in hand
    Speed of sound through sands
    All our hopes and plans
    In one single hand
    Nada mas por hoy Solo decir que me queda solucionar el tema del banner de centrarlo, haber si lo consigo.
    Sobretodo Gracias a Pol por hacerme el Banner ^^


    lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008


    Weno aqui señores enpieza el blog de MAB i como no el titulo da referencia a mi querida green hill donde conoci a mi idolo de los videojuegos xD

    hoy no tengo mucho que explicar mas que nada estoy intentando saber como va esto.

    De primeras pondre algunos links tales como Mi fotolog
    i aqui El blog del pol(pasati 5 minuts) y En blog den jordi(lapidus home xD)

    Pos no se que mas poner por hoy
    Sonic unleshed

    Nada mas por hoy

    Namaste y buena suerte

    >:4 8 15 16 23 42